Disha Suresh
The Virginia Retirement System revealed its investments to four different funds in its August board meeting.
Minnesota State Board of Investment committed $300m to Blackrock Long Term Private Capital II, $250m to Summit Partners Growth Equity Fund XII, $150m to Thoma Bravo Fund XVI and $200m commitment to Thomas H Lee Partners Equity Fund X.
Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association revealed its latest commitments at its August board meeting.
Marin County Employees' Retirement Association's ad hoc committee recommended retaining the existing investment consultant.
New York City Board of Education Retirement System could choose to contract two investment consultants, one for general consulting and one for private markets.
New Mexico State Investment Council announced its latest private equity commitments in its 22 May board meeting.
Santa Barbara County Employees' Retirement System announced Q2 private equity commitments in its 22 May board meeting.
Maryland State Retirement and Pension System backs three private equity funds.
Buyout vehicle MBK Partners Fund VI has a regional focus on China, Japan and South Korea.
The public pension fund outlined its private equity pacing strategy for 2024 in its January investment advisory meeting.