Home Authors Posts by Katherine Bucaccio

Katherine Bucaccio

At its latest investment committee meeting, the pension’s investment staff presented an elementary private equity cash flow example, prompting tough questions from board members. 
KKR, Blackstone and Carlyle are named as defendants in a class action lawsuit filed by Kentucky public schoolteachers against the Kentucky Teachers’ Retirement System.
The outspoken Republican presidential hopeful said hedge fund managers are ‘getting away with murder’ under the current tax code.
An opinion piece in the New York Times has brought scrutiny on the university and put a mainstream spotlight private equity costs.
IKONIC Fund Services has added two new private equity executives as it expands its private fund offerings and client base.
The bank’s alternative investor services business has found a buyer in service provider giant SS&C.
The private equity firm will fly children and nannies on new parents’ business trips and offer 16 weeks of paid leave, as part of a push to attract and retain talent. 
Despite a marked increase in the percentage of private funds with written expense allocation policies, most managers are not testing those policies, an ACA Compliance survey reveals.
By 2020, PGGM will stop investing in external money managers, including private equity firms, that do not fully disclose their fees.
Proposed amendments to the Adviser’s Act, which lawyers warn is off some managers’ radar, eliminate a longtime loophole when distributing performance reports.

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