Despite a couple of pulled-transaction anomalies, secondaries sales are still seen as a powerful tool for rebalancing portfolios.
Elevated interest rates and an evolving value creation playbook is causing some investors to question whether managers can replicate their past performance.
While it’s easy to point to liquidity constraints as an anomaly, the market believes secondaries’ record-breaking streak should continue.
An uptick in the number of funds closing above target belies the fundraising challenges facing a swathe of the industry.
Research from Rede Partners shows green shoots are beginning to appear when it comes to realisations and investor confidence.
A recent report shows GPs may have developed tricks to downplay the underperformance of some assets, resurrecting the question of how much wiggle room is needed in valuation processes.
NAV’s inherent synergies with secondaries means the strategy is gaining significant traction among East Asian LPs.
Institutional investors can no longer ignore the fact that exposure to high-quality assets is increasingly accessed via the secondaries market.
LPs warming to NAV loans, a surprising degree of liquidity, and a spate of evergreen entrants could define the rest of this year.
Debates on increasing tax on carried interest shouldn’t ignore the wider contribution private equity brings to economies.