Home Authors Posts by Kristian Lundberg

Kristian Lundberg

The $11.1bn US public pension backs an Asia-focused fund and a North American opportunistic debt fund.
The Boston-based firm closes its 12th flagship venture fund and a sidecar vehicle.
The $225.3bn US public pension establishes guiding principles for its future investments.
The Charlotte-based firm closes its fifth fund of funds at hard cap.
The $350bn US public pension backs three North American-focused funds and a European buyout fund.
The $2,3bn US public pension commits to a North America-focused fund.
The Houston-based firm will provide permanent capital to middle-market companies in Texas.
The Cleveland-based firm reaches hard cap on its fourth buyout vehicle.
The Mexico City-based firm holds first close on its debut Spain-focused vehicle.
The Connecticut-based asset manager reaches hard cap on its third secondary fund.

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