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Rod James

Rod James is a reporter with Secondaries Investor and also contributes to sister title PrivateEquityInternational.com. He is based in the London office. Prior to PEI, his roles included a stint as a freelancer covering fintech and transaction banking, CEEMEA capital markets reporter with EMEA Finance magazine, and editor of the Latin American political and economic risk team at IHS Global Insight.
Rocket ship illustration
While there are advantages to using an M&A process to set the price of a GP-led deal, buyers should not wear out this approach.
Growing numbers of GPs are looking at NAV loans as a tool to fund distributions and boost IRRs before returning to a red-hot market. They should think carefully first.
There is a growing number of liquidity providers looking for a piece of the private wealth market, all trying to demonstrate a distinct edge
The two-time Super Bowl winner speaks to Private Equity International about his new career in private markets.
No Limit Capital CEO Neno Raic believes his firm has created a more efficient and cost-effective financing approach.
Investor money is flowing toward those that can offer scale, specialisation or both, Partners Group CEO David Layton told PEI.
Limited partners are hitting their private equity allocation limits just as firms are returning to market asking for larger cheques.
Congress carried interest loophole USA Biden
Efforts in the US Congress to close the loophole looked increasingly futile as the year progressed.
inflation federal reserve private equity
While inflation has caused GPs to look hard at portfolio companies' pricing power, it is not necessarily bad for private equity in the long run.
spac investment companies private equity industry
The rise of blank cheque companies continued through 2021 before market fatigue and regulatory pushback triggered a fall off.

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