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eFront's chief strategy officer dives deep into the performance of Turkey's private equity funds.
Management fees, hurdle rates and carried interest waterfalls; a visual guide to economic fund terms today.
Fund manager consolidation, geographic diversification and longer-term funds will become the norm, according to the law firm.
A flurry of VC activity drove spending up almost 40% last year as investors took advantage of tax-friendly government initiatives.
Emerging Asia-focused funds raised $6bn more in the first half of 2018 than the previous year, EMPEA data show.
North American pensions have the largest appetite for alternatives while their Asia-Pacific counterparts are the least enthusiastic, according to Willis Towers Watson.
An increasing gap between capital calls and distributions could translate into longer investment periods or fund size reductions, according to a report from eFront.
People born between 1981 and 1996, particularly in China, will dominate the global labour force and consumer markets over the next two decades.
Energy policy developments and global firms returning to the Asian nation could be a boon for deal activity.
Fund VII is 42% larger than Carlyle's previous flagship, a $13bn 2013-vintage.

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