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Forward-thinking managers can safeguard their investments by keeping abreast of emerging risk.
A lightbulb signifying a bright idea
Institutional investors gave their take on the ins and outs of the impact investing market at the Impact Investor Global Summit in London.
Ropes and knots signifying tying incentives to KPIs
Incentives tied to impact targets have come a long way in a short space of time, but best practices around these mechanisms are still evolving.
A report compiled by the Boston Consulting Group provides some of the first statistics on how effective ESG initiatives are in private equity.
Stage curtains in a theatre
Private equity firms place value on ESG, even outside the political limelight, and that suggests sustainable investing will live on.
GPs are increasingly viewing environmental, social and governance considerations through a value-add rather than a purely value-preservation lens.
Some of PEI’s Future 40 operators share their outlook on how value-creation levers will evolve over the coming decade.

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